Risk of rain 1 bandit
Risk of rain 1 bandit

risk of rain 1 bandit

The shotgun and dagger are pretty good at close range, but that's not where you wanna be for any length of time unless you're a dedicated melee character, the smoke bomb is mediocre at best (I almost exclusively use it for the speed boost and extra jump, and never for the actual invisibility), and both revolvers are.okay, I guess? Lights out is fun early on for picking off small enemies but gets outscaled very quickly and just becomes and easy way to proc bands, and desperado takes forever to get meaningful stacks, to the point that past stage 3 or so (monsoon/eclipse) you basically just never use it and your stacks only happen by luck, and it once again just procs bands for you.

risk of rain 1 bandit

The best build imo is all defaults, which isn't a great sign given how much of a giant pain in the ass it was to get the shiv, and even with my ideal loadout he's fairly weak. My aim with this guide is to help everybody new to. It will include details on the game in general, characters, the levels, monsters, taking down bosses (including Providence) and general tips & tricks, as well as some unlockables and useful knowledge. I didn't expect to end up writing a guide tbh so if you actually bother to read all this thanks for taking the time and I hope this helps This guide for Risk of Rain aims to beas complete as possible. I main him myself so I make him sound like he's God but he does have his downsides, he's obviously very high risk and you'll find yourself having to gamble with your life a lot more than you normally would, on the first loop at least, and monsoon is especially brutal but overall just take the time to pick up his skills and chain them together so that you pretty much never have to wait to attack anything but still deal enough damage without lights out to dispatch large crowds, the Ukulele makes this easier than you could ever hope for, most of Bandit's abilities proc so hitting the electric damage with a lights out or desperado when you have it unlocked can be devastating, especially with high stacks. rin (n0vashark) on Instagram: they are cute captain and bandit riskofrain ror2 fanart. His skills intertwine seamlessly, and while he misses out on his massive AoE explosive damage he had in RoR1 it has somewhat been integrated into his invisibility. Offensively it's even better, it deals damage upon both entry and exiting the invisibility status it's perfect for maneuvering around the backsides of particularly large foes, specifically bosses, the ones that don't fly, that is, so you can stab them repeatedly to stack a bleed DoT AND deal guaranteed critical damage because of his passive. because you'll be using Desperado/Lights out to reset your cooldowns as often as possible and being able to stack attack speed boosts, for example, as you get more confident, or just to build the muscle memory definitely makes learning him easier, extra mags are always great, haemhorrage (from his secondary) stacks with bleed so grab your tri-tip daggers and get ready to watch your enemies drain like you're making halal.īandit's invisibility is pretty neat, defensively, it's brilliant if you need room to breathe and get some healing in, or time to reload (unless you're stacking more syringes than a nurse) you can. Play with command until you can get used to his timings etc.

Risk of rain 1 bandit